Water from the Well

Water from the Well

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ministry to the World

As most of you know, I will be going on sabbatical from April 15 to August 15. One of the goals for my sabbatical is to finish the book I have been working on: Finding Our Way Home: A Spiritual Journey Into Earth Community. I feel the call of this book very strongly, and have been working on it for three years, during summers or other time off from my work at the church. But the essence of the book work is not separate from my work at the church.

Part of the ministry of our church is our ministry to the wider world. Just as I have preached to you, I have long felt a call to preach to the wider world about the spiritual journey of our times, the spiritual journey into full community with the earth. Every day in the news, we hear about horrific environmental destruction. We hear about wars and violence against people and animals. How would any of that be possible, if we really understood our connection to all beings?

For many centuries, spirituality has been considered as separate from the earth. As a child I learned that this earth didn't really count—heaven was what counted. It took many years to break through that delusion. And I am sure it will take many more for us to realize what connection to the earth might fully entail. The deeper I go into this question, the more I understand how broken we have become, and the more I am called to find healing and wholeness. I feel such hope and possibility in this.

I want to say how much gratitude I have to all of you in this community for valuing both our “internal ministry” and our “ministry to the world.” I thank you for granting this sabbatical time for me to be able to do this work, and I also thank you for pursuing an environmental journey as a congregation. I will think of you every day while I am away, and feel our bonds as a strength for the challenge I have taken on. I look forward to sharing the completed project with you when I return, may it be so!

I know that while I am away you will care for each other with love and kindness, and continue to live our mission with enthusiasm. I have witnessed your goodness first hand. We have always fostered a ministry shared by all, and that shared ministry will be the foundation for these months. There are also many resources in place for the church to be strong and healthy while I am away.

We have our very first Intern Minister, Lyn Marshall, who has grown connected to our congregation, and has shown herself trustworthy and talented. She will be coordinating worship and pastoral ministry through the end of the church year in June. We have a compassionate and gifted Pastoral Care Team. Do you remember that it was originally created during my first sabbatical six years ago in 2009?  Please call on them when you have a need to talk. You can email or call the church and choose ext. 13. We have a marvelous Worship Committee who will continue to offer lay led worship per usual and through the summer.

The Committee on Ministry will be a resource for the unexpected, in any areas of church life that might need support. Rick Grover is chair of that committee this year. And I want to honor and thank Clay Atkinson, our congregation President, who is a true leader, forward-thinking and hard-working. Help him out while I am away! I look forward to hearing the latest on our Church and Grounds Renewal Project when I return.

May you find much joy and many blessings during these next months. Please keep me in your hearts as I keep you in mine.
                                                   Gratefully, Rev. Myke

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you an creative, restful, inspiring and joyful sabbatical! Go now in peace, with love.
