Water from the Well

Water from the Well

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Bad Day

Sometimes you have a bad day. It could be for many reasons. As a minister, I hear about many really bad days, and my heart hurts for each person who faces trouble on their journey.

And sometimes, the bad day isn't life-shattering or devastating, but it still lands like a pile of bricks. This week, I received some news that landed on my day like that. Our church administrator, Debra Madigan, who has been such a wonderful addition to our staff, gave us two weeks notice. She has not been dissatisfied at A2U2, but was sought out by head hunters who offered her another job she felt she could not refuse. Her last day will be November 11th.

I am sure our Personnel Committee and other church volunteers are as weary of searching for and hiring new staff as I am. But here we are. We'll be meeting soon to sort out the best direction forward, and I hope there might be some of you who would be willing to pitch in while we are in transition. We had such great helpers during the last transition.

Like I said, it's good to remember that this isn't life-shattering or devastating. It's a bad day, and extra work, and we are in it together. Have I told you lately that it is good to be in this work of spiritual community together with all of you? On the good days and on the bad days? Well, I’ll tell you now.

         Rev. Myke

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